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High Line Park opened in Manhattan

Jun 18

Ten days ago, New York got yet another landmark that is set to be a tourist magnet: The High Line Park.

The High Line, much like Chicago's "L" (elevated train), originally ran 21 km between 35th Street and St. John's Park Terminal in West-Manhattan. Built in the 1930 to ease traffic congestion on New York streets, it also helped the markets and comapnies in West Chelsea and the Meatpacking District. The railway tracks sometime ran through the second or third floor of store houses and factories. Yet, by the 1950's, trucks started to replace the High Line, rendering it pretty much useless. The last train ran in 1980.

However, citizens of New York spoke up against pulling the structure down. They suggested to turn the remaining part of the High Line into a park. Work started in 2006 and on June 8th 2009 the park was officially opened to the public. It runs on a length of 2,3 km today between 34th and Gansevoort Streets.

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