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Back in Solingen

I'm back home now, and I does feel strange being back.
I mean, everything looks the same! And my parents and sister are always around, which can be kinda annoying at times.
I got back Wednesday night, and we went straight out for dinner - all 7 of us (grandparents included). Straight from the airport. No time to breath, sit down in my own flat and just BE HOME for a second.

The followig day, we went out AGAIN! It's weird, really. I met a good friend of mine on Thursday at our local ice cream parlour. Today, I met one of my best friends who I haven't seen since before Christmas! Speaking German again is harder than you might think. Because I'm constantly thinking in two languages. Normally, I think in the language of the country I'm in. But switching back and forth between German and English all the time makes me forget some words in my native language. Just because I've used certain words so often in English, it just feels natural to say them in English - and I only noticed that I've switched languages when everyone else gives me that really puzzled look.

I'll start working at my local paper again on Monday, and contribute to the Youth Page on Wednesdays as well. Here, at the daily newspaper, journalism is fun! Every day I go out, interview some more, some less interesting people, do vox pops, write my articles from 10 to 5 and cover some evening events. I learn a lot, make useful contacts and improve my writing. At uni, we only manage 6 magazines per academic year, and most are not fun to write for. Too many of us working on too few pages of a usually crap magazine nobody reads. And everytime I'm here I start to wonder, why I even bother to study it. You either have a talent for words or you don't. You might as well start work experience at a local paper, magazine, whatever takes your fancy, become a "Voluntär", or trainee reporter and -voilà, three years down the line you're a much better journalist with more experience under your belt than anyone who's still struggeling on the course at uni can claim to be. I learned more in 3 weeks work experience last year than in 4 semesters at uni put together! And I got published almost daily and got paid for it as well! Journalism is a hands-on job after all. If you don't practice your writing, you won't get any better.

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