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My car is famous!

Mar 21

This is my Nissan 100NX that I've had since I was 16.

My other half has just written a blog about the latest Nissan sports car, the eco-friendly and not at all inspiring-sounding Leaf, and used my car to demonstrate what Nissan could do. The Leaf's motor in the modern equivalent of the 100NX (which went out of production in 1994) would be the "perfect socially-minded sports car."

I love this car to bits, 18 years old and has never let me down once! It takes some getting used to, as it's quite low, and the bonnet is wider than you'd think, but take the glass roof out on a summer's day and it's perfect to hoon around in!
And since it's appeared on a blog that's probably read by more people than this one is, I guess my car is famous now!

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