What do you have to do to get a job?
Here's the thing: I graduated with a really good degree. Since 2004 I've been doing work experience as reporter and photographer worlwide. I speak 2 languages fluently, two more on a more basic level.
I can write stories, take quality photographs, can do audio and video reports and have never misquoted anyone to my knowledge.
My final grade in my degree was better than that of a few (working) journalists I know.
Yet, I can't seem to find a media outlet willing to give me a go as either reporter or photographer.
I'm beginning to think that this is a racial issue or gender discrimination. I know my qualifications and my previous experience are good enough, and I doubt I would have nearly as many problems in Germany as I am facing in the UK.
No, I don't have any NCTJs. But I know many journalists, including editors, who don't have all of them either. Journalism has only in recent years become a profession you need a degree for. Whatever happened to talent and learning on the job?
Besides, I have done media law but wasn't allowed to sit the exam. If you want to know why my degree wasn't NCTJ accredited, please take the issue up with the University of Cumbria. I still wait for an answer.
Meanwhile I am being used by media outlets who never pay for all the work I give them but then don't hire me when I come to apply for an advertised job.
I just wonder how much more I need to do to deserve a break?!?
I heard a radio interview someone did who got one of the jobs I applied for... She kept interrupting her quite famous interviewee and it didn't sound professional at all... At least I know how to interview someone.
I just got another rejection letter, for a job as press photographer that didn't even require previous press experience.
My photo subjects include Barack Obama. How can that not be good enough??
I would like to know what else I need to do to get a chance to be a journalist!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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