Tibet closed to travellers
As the Chinese National Day approaches, it is reported that China once again closed off Tibet to independent travellers. News agencies in China and Tibet reported, that a blanket travel ban came into effect on 24th September, which is believed to be lifted again on 10th October.
The National Day on 1st October marks the 60th anniversary of Mao Zedong's declaration of the Peoples Republic of China and rule over the Tibet region.
It is reported, that the ban will only affect independent foreign travellers, and travellers already in Tibet will be allowed to stay. A spokesperson with the Tibet Tourist Association stated that the ban was due to high demand, instead of the National Day celebrations.
Overlanding tours already in the area will not be affected, and their itineraries might only have to be changed slightly, if at all. The tour operaters are saddened by the new ban and the uncertainty in Tibet, but they hope that the situation is temporary.
Chinese authorities are keen to avoid any anti-China protests, like the ones that happened in Tibet in March 2008 and the Xinjiang region in July this year.
Tibet has been closed off three times over the past two years. Following the March 2008 riots, before and during the Olympic Summer Games 2008 and in February this year, on the 50th anniversary of a failed Tibetan uprising. The bans have seriously affected tourist numbers to the region, dropping to 2,2 million in 2008 which is half the visitor numbers they had in 2007.
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