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My Flight Statistics

Apr 22

A friend of mine gave me the link to a German website called "FlugStatistik" (Flight statistics). There you can enter all the flights you've been on and it calculates how far you've flown in your life, how much time you've spent on planes and the distance you have travelled.

Each leg of a multi-legged flight counts as 1 flight - so when you have 2 stoppovers, it's actually 3 flights, which makes sense, because you take-off and land 3 times as well.

Anyway, being the traveller I am, I decided to check out my statistic! Here it is:

Yep, that's right!
I have flown a total of 135,996km or 84,504 Miles on 55 flights until now! That means, that I've technically been around the world 3,39 times (or 0,354 times to the moon!)
So far, I have spent 179:12 hours of my life above clouds, which equals 7,5 days!

My longest and longest-distance flight to date was from Frankfurt am Main (Germany) to Singapore on 15.07.2003 on my way to New Zealand. Flying time was 11:56 hours and the distance covered was 10,290km!

On average, I fly 2,473km in 3:15 hours!

Oh, and there will be another 4 flights at least from now until September! (Going to Germany, back to England, back to Germany and back to the UK again!)

Impressive, much?

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