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Letting the sunshine in...

Mar 10

Spring is finally here!

I couldn't believe it this morning on my way to uni: The sky was (and still is) cloudless and blue, the sun rays warm on my face and for once my coat felt too warm to wear! For the first time this year, it was warm enough to go outside without a coat!

It feels like it's been winter forever, and finally it seems the world is thawing, waking up from hibernation. I love the sun and being outside - I can't wait for summer! I wanna get rid of my thick coat, the scarf and the gloves...

The only day of the year that I want it to be winter and snowy is 24th December! For the other 364, I wouldn't mind a constant summer. Winter is so depressing, while the sun makes you enjoy life to the fullest. The sun puts smiles on people's faces, brings out the colours - makes everything and everyone look and feel so alive!

Sun - I love you! (Rain & Cold: Piss off, I've had enough!)

1 Kommentare:

Marion K said...

Hallo Conny,
das ist ja toll, dass ihr so schönes Wetter habt. Hier regnet es tagein tagaus. Die Leute werden schon ganz depressiv.
Und dabei fängt Ende des Monats die "Sommerzeit" an!
Gut, dass hier sehen kann, was Du so treibst.
Liebe Grüße an Simmy und Dir gute Besserung!

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